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Dr. Beth’s Top Picks for GERD/Acid Reflux
Beth Ley Knotts, Ph.D. (Nutritionist)
Getting a case of acid reflux (heartburn) once in a while isn't unusual, but some people suffer from burning discomfort, bloating and belching almost every time they eat. About 20% of the population has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic acid reflux condition.
Normally, the esophageal sphincter (a muscular tube that lets food pass into the stomach and then cinches shut to block it from coming back up) protects the esophagus from stomach acid. However, if the sphincter relaxes, food can push upward through the loosened opening and cause acid reflux.
Foods commonly known to be heartburn triggers cause the esophageal sphincter to relax and delay the digestive process, letting food sit in the stomach longer. The worst culprits? Foods that are high in fat, salt or spice such as:
- Fried food
- Fast food
- Pizza
- Potato chips and other processed snacks
- Chili powder and pepper (white, black, cayenne)
- Fatty meats such as bacon and sausage
- Cheese
- Tomato-based sauces
- Citrus fruits
- Chocolate
- Peppermint
- Carbonated beverages (soda pop)
Avoid eating problem-foods late in the evening closer to bedtime, so they're not sitting in your stomach and then coming up your esophagus when you lay down.
1. Eat small frequent meals instead of bigger, heavier meals and avoid late-night dinners and bedtime snacks.
2. Increase alkaline foods... veggies, most fruits. etc.
3. Increase high fiber foods
4. Apple Cider Vinegar. Put a small amount in a small amount of warm water and drink it with meals
5. DGL Licorice
Licorice has been used as a highly effective alternative to antacids and acid-blocking drugs. By comparison, licorice works not by inhibiting acid production, but rather through supporting and stimulating the stomach's natural protective mechanisms. Stomach discomfort is usually attributed to an imbalance between acid secretion and the stomach's ability to protect itself against the irritation caused by acid. The presence of harmful bacteria (H-Pylori) can also be a factor. The stomach's primary defense against corrosive gastric acid is a fine layer of mucin, secreted by millions of mucosal cells that line the stomach wall. Licorice stimulates both the secretion of mucin and the formation of new mucosal cells, probably through its ability to increase blood flow to mucosal tissue
I recommend Planetary Herbals DGL Licorice
Dosage: 1 before meals and 1 before bed if needed.
6. Digestive Enzymes
The longer food sits in the stomach, the higher the risk for reflux. Digestive enzyme deficiencies are common (often due to stress) and supplementing can make a huge difference in how fast you break down the food you eat.
I recommend Drs. Best Digestive Enzymes. Dosage: 1-2 capsules 2 times daily taken before the largest meals of the day.
7. Ginger
Ginger is one of the best digestive aids because of its medicinal properties. It's alkaline in nature and anti-inflammatory, which eases irritation in the digestive tract. Try sipping ginger tea when you feel heartburn coming on or take ginger in capsule form.
I recommend Jarrow Formulas Ginger. Dosage: Take one capsule after meals or before bed.
8. Magnesium
If you are prone to constipation you need to keep things moving. I recommend Drs. Best High Absorption Magnesium. Dosage: 300-400 mg magnesium twice a day.
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