Join Dr. Beth in her journey to bring God's plan for our diet and optimal health!
Obtain freedom from illness & disease with the help of God!
The Bible gives us awesome insight on how we are to take care of our bodies and what we need to do to be healthy and whole. This is what God wants for us. Read the healing testimonies
including Dr. Beth's personal healing testimony) of many. Read how basic nutrition can restore the
body's ability to heal itself! This is what Jesus died for and this is how God created us!
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Diabetes? Heart Disease? Over Weight? - This is the cook book for you!
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Increase your appetite for God, not the world ... Holiness
What are you hungry for? What is your focus in life? Are you caught up in worldly desires or would you sincerely like to enhance your relationship with God and increase the power of the Holy Spirit in you? Enhance your relationship and commitment level to God through fasting. The more we decrease desires
of the flesh, the more the Holy Spirit can rise up in us. Find out the practical aspects of fasting. how to protect your health and much more! We must use WISDOM in fasting! Dr. Beth explains HOW! 230 pages.
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Price: US$ 40.00