Essential Oils for Stress and High Blood Pressure
Essential Oils for Stress and High Blood Pressure
Beth M. Ley, Ph.D
Pages: 40
ISBN #1-890766-51-8
Price: US$ 4.95

Stress, Anxiety and High Blood Pressure are some of the most significant health problems plaguing us today. Untreated, they can spiral into even more serious health issues causing

  • Insomnia
  • Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, constipation
  • Weight gain
  • Panic attacks
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Increased risk for heart attack and stroke
  • Adrenal fatigue and burnout
As it turns out, sitting in a field of Lavender (as pictured on the cover) can greatly lower your stress levels, feelings of anxiety AND blood pressure! Wouldn’t it be great if we could carry that field of Lavender around with us all day and night!? Well, we can! Lavender and other incredible essential oils have been scientifically proven to significantly lower cortisol levels, lower blood pressure, reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and aid other related issues such as insomnia.

Learn about the best essential oils to choose and how to use them to keep you feeling great!

Link to order EBook on Amazon (Available now):
Essential Oils for Stress and High Blood Pressure (Health Learning Handbooks Book 1)