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Spermidine - The Latest in Anti-AgingAvoid Hunger: The roadblock to lose weight.
The best way to fight hunger when trying to lose weight fast is with foods that use up more energy to digest than the calories they contain? These are known as negative calorie foods!
The best solutions is to eat more "negative-calorie" foods help you feel full while increasing weight loss. These foods actually take more energy to digest than the calories (energy) they deliver to your body. Some are nutrient dense, providing all kinds of phytonutrients, yet they are not sources of fat-packing calories. Again, you expend more calories eating them than they deliver to your body.
Because of their lack of calories, these foods can essentially be consumed in virtually unlimited quantities without you gaining weight (body fat). This is because your stomach senses when it is physically full, and it will trigger your brain to stop eating when you can't handle more food. You know that "I feel stuffed" feeling? That's your stomach (which has its own complex nervous system, by the way), telling your brain to tell you to stop eating.
Drink Water
This is why the simple act of drinking a glass of water before each meal is a proven weight loss strategy. It fills your belly with water, thereby reducing the amount of space left for other foods. Your stomach gets full more quickly, triggering the "stop eating" signals in your brain.
Eating an apple before each meal also works in much the same way. This is true even though apples are not (quite) a negative-calorie food. But they are rich in water, and water takes up space in your stomach. All negative-calorie foods contain a lot of water locked in a fibrous matrix. Apples are essentially "water fruits," as are grapes and watermelons (hence the name). Many vegetables are also "water vegetables," meaning that they're loaded with water. Celery, for example, is the classic example of a water-rich negative- calorie food.
The more water you consume in your foods, the more quickly you'll feel full and stop eating. Water, it turns out, is the most effective appetite control substance in the world. So here's my list of the five best negative-calorie foods that you can enjoy every day as part of a healthy weight loss diet:
1.) Celery
One cup of celery (120g) contains only 19 calories. It takes far more than 19 calories to prepare, eat, digest and eliminate this one cup of celery, and that's what qualifies it as a negative-calorie food. You can eat as much celery as you want, and you won't gain body fat. Even though celery contains effectively no contributing calories, it does contain powerful medicine. Celery juice is very anti-inflammatory and one of the active constituents in celery (apigenin) reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, too.
2.) Lettuce (and other leafy Greens) Lettuce is very high in water. One cup of iceberg, romaine, spinach, arugula and most other leafy greens (cilantro, parsley, cabbage, bokchoy, kale, etc.) contains less than 10 calories, meaning you can munch on this to your heart's delight and you'll never gain an ounce of body fat. Dark green leafy vegetables are, calorie for calorie, perhaps the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. They are a rich source of minerals (including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins.
They also provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems, among many other effects. Dark green leaves even contain small amounts of Omega-3 fats. Greens have very little carbohydrate in them, but are high in fiber, which make them very slow to digest. That is why, in general, greens have very little impact on blood glucose. Greens are like "freebies" carbwise. When eating your green.... please understand: Slopping on 300 calories worth of fatty salad dressing changes everything!!!
Salad dressing is mostly definitely NOT something that encourages weight loss. In fact, salad dressings are often loaded with cheap soybean oils and even MSG (monosodium glutamate), a chemical taste enhancer linked to neurological damage and obesity. MSG is almost always found in "Ranch" flavor dressings, in particular. )-: Find other ways to eat your green.... steamed, in soups, smoothies or learn to enjoy them plain or with a bit of vinegar.
3.) Onions and Garlic
Onions and garlic contain less than 35 calories per half-cup and yet deliver tons of flavor, plus an amazing assortment of anti-cancer nutrients and immune-boosters.
4.) Kelp Noodles
Eating noodles is not normally known as a way to lose weight. That's because traditional noodles are made with calorie-rich starches derived from grains like wheat. But even spelt noodles, brown rice noodles and quinoa noodles still contain a lot of calories. That's why kelp noodles are so amazing: They're made out of sea kelp, and they're packed with water. Yet they are great in soups, raw noodle dishes and even Italian-style dishes like spaghetti. Kelp noodles are also great for adding substance to light soups or vegetable broths. They make a broth eat like a full soup (and they make you feel full, too). Kelp noodles contain just 6 calories per serving, and yet they take up a lot of physical space in your belly, contributing to that "full" feeling that reminds you to stop eating. Look for kelp noodles at your local health food store or Google it.You will certainly find a number of places to purchase them.
5.) Cucumbers
One cup of cucumbers contains only 16 calories. These are great to eat with a hint of sea salt, but also instead of crackers! Try placing your favorite toppings on top of a round cucumber slice: Natural cheese, tuna salad, tomato (another negative calorie food) or onion. If you love pickles, you are in luck, because if you look for natural brands that don't contain added sugar or artificial yellow food coloring chemicals, you can eat pickles too! In fact, eat all the pickles you want! Other pickled foods you can eat unlimited amount of are kimchi and raw sauerkraut. Yep, also negativecalorie fermented foods (and they're actually good for your digestive tract because of all their probiotics).
6.) Grapefruit
Grapefruit technically isn't quite a negative-calorie food, but it deserves mention for another reason. For starters, it's still fairly low in calories, delivering only 74 calories per cup. But the best part is that grapefruit contains naringenin, an antioxidant derived from the bitter flavor of grapefruits, which triggers the liver to break down fat. So as part of a fat-loss strategy, grapefruit is truly a daily essential! Naringenin activates two kinds of PPARs and blocks LXR-alpha -- resulting in fasting-type benefits. This means the liver behaves as if you were fasting, breaking down fatty acids instead of carbohydrates! Sadly, grapefruit juice does not offer the same benefits, especially if it's pasteurized.7.) Tomato Salsa!
Almost all the ingredients in salsa are negative calorie foods: tomatoes, onion, garlic, jalapeno peppers, cayenne pepper... and the hotter the better, Capsaicin in hot peppers increases your metabolic rate... the rate you burn calories so go ahead and spice it up!!! It is almost always best to make your own! And just be careful WHAT you eat your salsa with! Feel full and drop the pounds anyway! Isn't it nice to know you don't have to starve yourself to reduce your calories? Fill your grocery shopping cart with these foods, and you'll be the healthier... and lighter for it!