Dr. Beth Recommends these products:
Beth Ley Knotts, Ph.D.
It is a common misconception for many people that bottled water is safer than tap, that plastic bottles get recycled, and that no harm is being done to the environment. Unfortunately, that could not be further from the truth! Here are solid reasons to kick the bottled water habit:
Bottled Water is Often Just Tap Water
Much of the time, bottled water is simply tap water from whatever municipality the bottling company is located in. Sometimes it's purified and filtered; sometimes it's not.
Why would a person want to spend a dollar or two on water that comes straight out of the faucet? There are no labels on bottled water that report to consumers what is in the city water poured into a bottle. Chlorine? Fluoride? Sodium? Pharmaceuticals?
Check the label and look for “from a municipal source” or “community water system”, which just means it is tap water.
Tap water costs about $0.002 per gallon compared to the $0.89 to $8.26 per gallon charge for bottled water.
Drinking Bottled Water Exposes Consumers to Harmful Chemical
These chemicals do not come from the water; it comes from the plastic. Many plastic bottles contain the chemical bisphenol A, also known as BPA, which can leach into the water in the bottle, especially, if bottles are left in the sun, heated up, or reused several times.
More than 90% of us have BPA in our bodies right now. We get most of it by eating foods that have been in containers made with BPA.
Studies indicate that BPA exposure is toxic and exposure can cause a myriad health problems and can wreak havoc on hormone levels. BPA exposure is linked to:
- Estrogen dominance
- Infertility and miscarriage
- Impaired female developement
- Sperm defects and low sperm count
- Diabetes, Weight gain and Obesity
- Breast, prostate and other cancers
- Hyperactivity and Autism
The plastic also lowers the pH of the water making it even more acidic.
Healthy water should test 7.5 to 9.5, making it alkaline to support a healthy alkaline level in the body.
The pH of your drinking water is very important because
water that is acidic lowers the pH of the body, causing all kinds of health problems, including infections, osteoporosis and even cancer.
Water that has a pH higher than 7.4 will help RAISE YOUR pH!
Bottled Water Harms the Environment
88% of empty plastic water bottles in the United States are not recycled. The Container Recycling Institute says that plastic water bottles are disposed of (not recycled) at the rate of 30 million a day.
What about Filtered, RO or Distilled Water?
These are processed waters that are not only void of the things you do
not want - chemicals, etc., but are also lacking the
important minerals that healthy water should provide, making it alkaline to help keep our pH alkaline.
Spring and well water will often test neutral to slightly alkaline, but the pH of these waters can drop if it has been stored in sunlight or too long in plastic. Well water can also contain chemical such as fertilizers and other undesirables such as arsenic, or high in iron which common in MN.
Tap water may also test 7.0 to 7.5 but has numerous undesirable chemicals added such as fluoride, chlorine, and sodium. Traces of numerous pharmaceuticals have also been found in tap water across the US.
What Other Options Are There?
We recommend the
Santevia Alkalizing Water System. It uses gravity, not electricity to purify and alkalize (9.0 to 9.5) any water used in the system. BPA free.
It removes bacteria, chlorine, fluoride, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, disinfectants, and other chemicals and impurities often found in tap water or any other water you may use in your Santevia System and then mineralizes it making it alkaline and anti-inflammatory to support all aspects of health.
For more information, please visit the
pH Balancing page.