Mary's Transformation
Nutrition Counseling
Mary's Transformation
The first picture is me at the Minnesota State Fair several years ago, the second picture is from a couple of months ago. You can see I’ve changed for the better. I want to give a shout out to my friend Beth Ley Knotts! I couldn’t have done it without her compassion and knowledge ❤️ getting healthy after years of abusing my body through overeating and eating processed foods was taking a huge toll on my health both physically and emotionally. With Beth’s guidance and wisdom I dropped 100 pounds. She showed me the key tools I was lacking in my battle against why weight loss was so difficult. She put up with my stubbornness and also went to prayer for me. I highly recommend her for nutritional counseling!!! It’s been approximately 5 years and I have been able to keep most of the weight off. My delay is was caused the complications I’m dealing with today. Don’t wait - do it now! Contact Beth Ley Knotts today and change your life - reduce pain, inflammation, blood pressure, and digestive issues! She is more than able to help you! I still get advice from her, she’s a gem!!!

Dr. Beth's Weight Loss Solution
Dr. Beth's Weight Loss Solution Kit