Nutrition Counseling
Type 2 Diabetes
I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in 2009. Over the years, I have tried so many pharmaceutical drugs which caused scary side effects. However, I have also tried many natural supplements in the past without knowing a specific formula, which left me guessing at dosages. It has been very challenging to get my blood glucose readings in a safe range.
I began working with Dr. Beth in the middle of February 2017. At this time my blood glucose readings were hovering between 330 to 465! They were persistently in the "out of control" range for more than a year for sure. I had began to feel pain in my kidney area and felt generally unhealthy. With the support, recommendations and guidance of Dr. Beth, by June of 2017, my blood glucose readings were in the 100's! Working with Dr. Beth is part of my solution for preserving my true life, health and strength.

Cassandra C, Texas

Dr. Beth's Weight Loss Solution
Dr. Beth's Weight Loss Solution Kit